Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Hypnotherapy - What happens in a Session?

I very often get asked what happens during a session, and this is sometimes difficult to answer, as each person comes with their own issues. Once we start to explore what is going on, it becomes apparent that there is always much, much more to the issues that my clients come along with.

And actually when you think about it, this is not surprising. Each of us have had our own individual upbringing, even when we have siblings.  This is due to our own unique personalities, personal interactions with events, peers, teachers, experiences etc. For example, it is like having been to a party with someone and finding that you can have had a completely different experience to them, and yet you were at the same party!

So is it any wonder that whilst we may present a typical issue, (such as feeling unhappy, work, health or relationship issues, phobias, problems with weight etc,) the underlying cause could be much more complicated?

In essence what this means for me, is that our problem is very unique to us, and so, then must be the session.

In the first session, time is spent understanding more about the presenting issue. During this session, the client speaks freely in a confidential and safe environment, about what is going on for them. As they speak, I am actively listening (paying attention as much to what is not said, as to what is) and asking incisive questions to help the client think about what they are saying, exploring more about what is going on and with each question getting closer and closer to the discovery of what is the underlying cause of the unhappiness being experienced.

"I can do that!" I hear you cry, and yes of course you can. However, there are times when you only ask the questions you know or think to ask, those that we are aware of  at that time...I liken it to the saying " Can't see the wood for the trees".

We have become so immersed in what is going on for us, that we may not be able to be objective, to be able to step back and see the bigger picture; the patterns that we are potentially experiencing which maybe closed to us.

As an objective observer,  I am looking for those patterns, the language you use, the nuances to the words you choose, that help me to ask the right questions. Sometimes like a maze it is possible to go off down the wrong avenue of enquiry, but when we get to the root course, together we can begin to make the most amazing changes!

By the end of the first session, I usually  have a good idea of how to proceed. When someone comes to see me, I usually like to finish with a relaxing script to give my client the opportunity to really enjoy a relaxing end to the session and allow me to start the change process by using what I have been told are known as "happy traps". Key words or phrases used by the client about what they would like, rather than what they don't.

Subsequent sessions are about ensuring that any negative or inappropriate emotions, behaviours and beliefs are addressed first, followed by replacing with positive and empowering ones. This can be achieved by a number of differing techniques and for Cognitive Hypnotherapy we use a number of disciplines such as counselling, coaching, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming),  psychology plus hypnotherapy where you just have to listen!

I like to give my clients a recording, as part of the package, to aid them on their journey of change, which invariably starts straight after the first session.

Imagine that now! A change starting from the very first session you come to see me and at only £65 per session! Within a very short time (usually between 4 - 6 sessions) you could find yourself feeling so much better about things.
How much is it worth for you to feel happier and healthier? Call me now to arrange an informal chat.

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