Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Olympic Inspiration

As we come up to the end of the Olympics and the amazing spectacle of people coming together to cheer and celebrate all the athletes and their incredible feats of achievements, I was wondering how others many will have been inspired to take up a sport?

When I was younger I used to do so many different sports, 100m, 800m, 100m hurdles, javelin, netball and hockey, but I allowed life to get in the way, which meant it all came to a stop. Watching all those amazing young men and women has inspired and motivated me, in a way no one else has been able to. As I watched the rowing I  was reminded of kayaking down the river Thames a few years ago and how beautiful it was, and even though my first time on the river, how naturally it came to me; as I watched Jess Ennis complete the 100m hurdles, I wanted to be able to just run in a way that I used to and as for the swimming, well I have already enrolled back with a local swimming pool, and am looking forward to going for my first swim for a long time.

Being inspired and motivated sometimes needs others to encourage and grow that feeling within us. The Olympics being held here in London, combined with how well  Team GB has performed, I am sure, has probably  inspired a great many people in a way no event has done for a very long time. Now that is a legacy worth having. 

Well done to all the athletes, the volunteers, the different services and organisers who have made this something that we can proud of

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