Thursday, 21 July 2011

Self Esteem

Self esteem allows us to hold our held up high, to believe in ourselves and feel confident whilst being amongst others.

But it is not a given, and under the wrong circumstances can quickly be eroded.

How often have you felt that sinking feeling when you see someone else who is more beautiful, successful, clever, more talented than you? Each time you do this, you erode your own self esteem. Each time you compare yourself to someone, and you come off worse, you are knocking yourself that little bit more, chipping away at who you really are.

Despite what we are led to believe, we are not all made equal. Some of us excel in sport, others in the classroom. Some of us are made to be leaders and others of us followers. And we all play a vital part, our contribution may just be different. Where would a sportsman be without spectators? Where would a leader be without followers?

So it is very important to keep the Bank of Self Esteem in credit at every opportunity you can.

Maybe you are brilliant at listening? Or maybe you are excellent at solving problems? Managing your money and still having some left at the end of the month? Or making a great meal? Or if your self esteem is so very low, as simple as making a fantastic cup of tea….Everyone (no exceptions!) has some good, strong and excellent points…focus on them.

Start topping up your self esteem, by noting (preferably written down, as the very act of doing so changes your perspective) all your good points.

When was the last time you did that? Notice your good points?

Just for today, focus on your good points